Ways to Relieve Eye Strain

We live in an age of eye strain. Our Riverdale eye doctors see it all the time. As a society, we spend long hours staring at screens for work and play. If it’s not screen time, it’s reading, driving, detail work, or undiagnosed eye conditions that cause tired, burning, dry, or watery eyes that can’t focus. Although eye strain isn’t usually a serious condition, it can make your day harder with headaches and difficulty concentrating. And sometimes, it’s a symptom of a condition we should look into at Riverdale Vision Care.

10 Tips for Eye Strain Relief

If you are already struggling with eye strain, or you know you will be participating in activities that cause eye strain, there are some tricks you can use to avoid it or lessen its impact on your day. Some of these include:

  1. Reduce your screen time. Get out and “touch grass” more often and leave mobile devices and TV off for a while.
  2. Use the 20-20-20 rule. Whether you’re driving, working with screens, reading or doing close-up work, take an eye break every 20 minutes, focusing your eyes on something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Take care of your eyes as your eye doctor in Riverdale recommends, whether that means wearing your glasses or contacts correctly, using moisturizing eye drops, etc.
  4. Use a humidifier in the room where you do your eye strain-causing activity.
  5. If you still smoke, stop.
  6. Get regular exercise.
  7. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and eat eye-healthy foods like eggs, carrots, almonds, fish with a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, and colorful fruits and vegetables.
  8. When you must use screens for work or school, use a glare filter and clean your screen regularly to maintain proper contrast. Enlarge the print on your screen and adjust the brightness as well.
  9. Work in a well-lighted space, preferably with as much natural light as possible.
  10. Make a point of blinking more often as this will help your tears moisturize your eyes more frequently.

See the Eye Doctors Riverdale, NJ Trusts if Your Eye Strain Won’t Leave

Usually, following these tips will relieve your eye strain. If they don’t, there is a possibility that an underlying, undiagnosed condition exists. In this case, the eye strain may be a symptom of something more serious. So, if you’ve done all you can to relieve your eye strain and it remains unchanged or gets worse, schedule an appointment with our eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ. Here at Riverdale Vision Care, we can diagnose and treat eye conditions and help you get the eye strain relief you need to keep going.

Digital Eye Strain Prevention for Remote Workers

In the modern era of remote work, reliance on digital devices has skyrocketed. Many people spend their days in front of a screen to make a living from home. While working at home is convenient for many, it also brings the risk of digital eye strain. Prolonged screen time can lead to discomfort, dryness, and fatigue, affecting both our productivity and well-being. Therefore, comprehensive eye exams in Riverdale, NJ, are vital. Take a look at a few ways to prevent digital eye strain as a remote worker.

Create a Visually Ergonomic Workspace

Your workspace setup plays a crucial role in preventing digital eye strain as a remote worker. Ensure that your monitor is at eye level to avoid unnecessary strain on your neck and back or the tendency to squint to see your screen well. Your chair’s height should allow your feet to rest comfortably on the floor to promote good posture and proper eye-to-screen distance. Adequate lighting that is free from glare and reflections on the screen also reduces eye strain and enhances visual comfort during long hours in front of your computer.

Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and shift your focus to an object or focus point that is at least 20 feet away. This periodic practice helps reduce eye strain by allowing your muscles to relax and refocus. This can also help by preventing the development of discomfort over time.

Blink and Hydrate

Prolonged screen use often leads to reduced blinking, which can lead to dry eyes. Dry eyes can lead to other issues, including a heightened risk of eye fatigue and injury. Make a conscious effort while you are working to blink frequently to keep your eyes moist. Additionally, stay hydrated by drinking water throughout the day, as adequate hydration supports tear production and helps alleviate dryness.

Discuss Eye Strain with a Riverdale, NJ Optometrist

While these tips are essential for preventing digital eye strain, they are not a substitute for professional eye care with a Riverdale, NJ, optometrist. Regular comprehensive eye exams are crucial for detecting and addressing potential issues early on. If you’re experiencing persistent eye strain or discomfort, reach out to Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

Stye, Stye in My Eye – What You Really Need to Know About Eye Styes

Styes are one of those common visual health ailments that most people know all about because they’ve likely had one. In fact, the fun little rhyme about sending a stye to someone else’s eye cemented styes in most of our memories as children. But, what is a stye really, should you be concerned, and how can a stye be treated? Here are a few things you should know.

What exactly is a stye?

The medical term for a stye (which can also be spelled stye) is hordeolum. The condition is characterized by a painful, irritated bump that usually shows up close to the rim of the eyelid. The most typical place for a stye to show up is on the outside of your eyelid, but the irritating bump can also pop up on the inner rim. The small bump is most often caused by a blocked oil gland. The eyelids have a number of oil glands that can become blocked due to excess oils, eye makeup, and dirt from your hands after rubbing your eyes.

Should you seek an eye doctor if you have a stye in your eye?

Normally, a stye will go away on its own without eye doctor treatment. You can try:

  • Using a warm compress on the stye several times a day
  • Cleaning your eyelids thoroughly with warm soap and water
  • Taking ibuprofen to relieve the pain and lessen any inflammation

When should you be worried about a stye?

If the stye does not go away on its own within a few days, is causing you a great deal of pain, or is causing problems with your vision, it is best to see an eye doctor for advice. In some cases, a severe stye will have to be treated with a topical antibiotic ointment so it will go away. In even rarer cases, an eye doctor may need to lance the stye so the collected oil or infection can drain out.

Talk to a Wilmington Eye Doctor About Styes in Your Eyes

While you may not get rid of a stye by speaking it into someone else’s eye, these mild eye health issues are usually no big deal. If you have problems with a stye or have recurring styes, reach out to us at Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.



How to Treat Swollen, Puffy Eyes

You know that awful moment when you wake up in the morning and you look in the mirror and your eyes are swollen and puffy? There’s nothing worse than having to show up at work or school looking like you were the loser in a boxing match. Swollen, puffy eyes don’t look good on anyone. Here’s how to treat this condition so you can appear at your best.

Consider the Cause

To treat swollen, puffy eyes effectively, it’s important to consider the cause. There are many things that can lead to swollen, puffy eyes, and depending on what’s causing yours, you’ll want to take a different action.

How to Treat or Prevent Common Causes of Swollen, Puffy Eyes

Some of the most common causes of swollen puffy eyes include:

Allergic Reaction

If the condition comes on suddenly, you may be having an allergic reaction to something you encountered, or something you ate or drank. Think back. Were you exposed to poison ivy or poison oak? Did you ingest anything unusual? To treat, consider an over the counter antihistamine. If your reaction is severe, you may need a steroid injection, which you can get from an emergency room.

Fluid Buildup While Sleeping

Do you always wake up with swollen, puffy eyes? If you, it’s likely they are a result of fluid build-up while you sleep. To prevent, elevate your head slightly using a fluffier pillow or an extra pillow. To treat, get up a little earlier than usual so the fluid has a chance to leave the upper area. After about 20 minutes, the swelling will naturally reduce.

Bad Reaction to Makeup

Your eye makeup may be to blame for your swollen, puffy eyes. If you can’t see any other reason, look at your skincare and makeup routine. Consider switching to all-natural products with no or very few chemical ingredients. To treat, try going without eye makeup for a few days. For immediate relief, lie down with your head elevated. Place a very cool cloth over your closed eyes. The swelling should reduce.

If your swelling doesn’t go down easily with the solutions mentioned above, you may have an eye infection. Make an appointment with your eye doctor for a thorough examination.

Why You Need to Wear Sunglasses All Summer (and Beyond!)

Despite appearances, sunglasses are about much more than simply looking cool. By wearing the right pair, you can protect your eyes in many amazing ways. Your sunglasses effectively act as a shield between your eyes and the sunlight’s UV rays, keeping you comfortable and seeing clearly through every season. Here are just some of the ways you can benefit from wearing sunglasses all summer long (and beyond!).

Clear Vision

When the sun is glaring down from above, you might find yourself squinting like crazy to try and see ahead. Even then, you might find the glare too strong, impeding your ability to see anything at all. With sunglasses, you can keep your gaze locked tight and vision clear, no matter how intense the sun gets.

Eye Strain Reduction

All that squinting can quickly result in a headache if you are not careful. As you are trying to see through the glare without the aid of sunglasses, eyestrain starts to set in almost immediately. If you do not make a change right away, you could end up with a wicked headache that lasts through the night. As sunglasses remove the glare, they reduce eyestrain, allowing you to see clearly and pain-free all summer long.

Protection from UV Rays

A good quality pair of sunglasses can protect your eyes from exposure to both UVA and UVB rays. Unfortunately, not all sunglasses are made in the same way. Some have zero protection from ultraviolet rays, yet have the darkest tint possible. This is incredibly dangerous, however, as the dark tint allows you to look into the UV rays, but does not block them from entering your eyes. So, make sure that your sunglasses have both kinds of UV protection, and then wear them wherever you go and all throughout the year.

Since sunglasses are so important to the health of your eyes, just any old pair won’t do. You have to go beyond the drugstore offerings to find sunglasses that offer true protection from UV rays. For help finding the right pair, feel free to reach out to our team at Riverdale Vision Care. We are available at 973-248-0060 to help you find your perfect pair of sunglasses and protect your eyesight for years to come.

Conditions That Can Affect Your Eyes

Your eyes are incredibly important organs in your body, but if you’re like a lot of people, you may take them for granted without realizing it. After all, they seem to know exactly what to do without much guidance from you at all. However, if something goes awry with your eyes, you’ll quickly realize how much you rely on them.

With that said, let’s take a look at some conditions that can affect your eyes, as well as some symptoms you may wish to talk to your doctor about if you can relate:


We all spend hours upon hours in front of our computers, tablets, and mobile phones. Often, we forget to give our eyes a rest after asking them to stare at our screens throughout the day. Eyestrain occurs when the eyes get tired and need a rest. Just like any other part of your body, when your eyes are overworked, they can become tired and weary, which may cause blurry vision and headaches.

Try to give your eyes a five- or ten-minute break from your computer screen at least once an hour (more often, if possible) so they can relax and refresh.

Pink Eye

It’s not uncommon for people to associate pink eye with childhood diseases, but you can actually pick this unpleasant situation up throughout your lifetime. Pink eye is another word for conjunctivitis, which basically means bacteria or a virus found its way where it doesn’t belong. It can cause your eyes to become red, swollen, and itchy and often feels like there’s a gritty, sand-like texture beneath your eyelids.

See your optometrist so he or she can determine which type of pink eye you may have and prescribe treatments to aid your condition.


Cataracts create a cloudy cover over the lens of the eye that can make it difficult to see the world clearly. They often eye with cataract form gradually over time, so many patients who don’t receive regular eye exams may not notice the decrease in vision.

See your eye doctor at least once a year, and be sure to opt into cataracts testing so your optometrist can identify potential problems early on.

Are you searching for a great eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ? Look no further! Request an appointment with our Riverdale Vision Care teamtoday!

Top Questions to ask your Optometrist

When you’re visiting your optometrist in Riverdale, it’s a great opportunity for you to ask any questions you may have. Whether your questions pertain to your own eye health or eye care in general, your optometrist will be more than happy to answer your questions. Here are some of the top questions you might want to ask.

1. Are My Eyes Aging as They Should Be?

Eyes age along with the rest of the body. As you age, you may notice certain changes in your eyesight that you can discuss with your optometrist. But one of the things you might like to talk about is whether your eyes are aging as they should be considering your actual age. It will be comforting to know if things are progressing as they should be. If not, this is an excellent chance to have an open discussion about what you can do to improve your eye health.

2. Are Drugstore Readers Safe to Use?

Drugstore readers are those inexpensive eyeglasses that you see hanging on cardboard displays. Essentially, they’re just magnifying lenses set into eyeglass frames, but many people feel they are very convenient to use. If you require readers to see up close and you’re tempted to buy drugstore readers, it’s best to talk to your optometrist first. There’s a chance that those readers may do more harm than good, or your optometrist may tell you they’re fine to use in your case. Either way, get the professional’s opinion first.

3. Am I a Good Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery?

Laser surgery could enable you to forego wearing glasses or contact lenses. This treatment option has been around for long enough to prove its safety and efficacy. However, your eyes need to be in a reasonably good healthy in order for optimal results. If you’re tempted to undergo this procedure, speak to your optometrist in Riverdale, who is familiar with your eye history and condition.
These top three questions are all things that your optometrist will be happy to discuss with you on your next visit. To make your appointment today, please email or call us.

Protecting Your Eyes Over the Summer Holidays

As the biggest holiday of summer vacation rolls around, you want to be ready. Drinks are on ice, and your favorite bathing suit is looking good, and… you have the latest safety gear for your eyes? Does that sound about right? If your eyes are the last thing on your mind for this Fourth of July, don’t worry. We have you covered with advice on how to protect your eyes this sizzling summer season.

Daytime Fun in the Sun

If you get lucky enough to have sunny weather on this Fourth of July, hopefully, you will remember to wear your shades. The UV damage from sun rays can lead to sunburns of the cornea and even advanced aging and vision loss. Make sure to wear sunglasses that block UV rays by 100 percent.

Fireworks by Nightfall

The grand finale of this explosive summer event is a round or two of fireworks. To protect your eyes against the fallback of these explosives, always stay at least 500 feet away. If you are using fireworks, such as sparklers or other simple explosives, among children, make sure they are wearing safety goggles to protect their eyes.

Swimming and Summer Safety

Saltwater, chlorine, or river water…wherever you manage to cool off this Fourth of July, make sure you are wearing eyewear. Swimming goggles fitted with prescription lenses are ideal if you need to have vision correction in order to see clearly. Basic goggles protect the eye against swimming bacteria or other such creatures. You won’t be left with red itchy eyes at the end of a fun-filled swimming day on the Fourth.

Contact Riverdale Vision Care

The best way to protect your eyes this Fourth of July is to come in for a comprehensive eye and vision exam. Here at Riverdale Vision Care, we provide eye health care for your entire family. Whether you need someone for pediatric eye exams or to diagnose macular degeneration, we have you covered. Please contact our office at 973-248-0600 to schedule an appointment for eye care in Riverdale, New Jersey.