Ways to Relieve Eye Strain
We live in an age of eye strain. Our Riverdale eye doctors see it all the time. As a society, we spend long hours staring at screens for work and play. If it’s not screen time, it’s reading, driving, detail work, or undiagnosed eye conditions that cause tired, burning, dry, or watery eyes that can’t focus. Although eye strain isn’t usually a serious condition, it can make your day harder with headaches and difficulty concentrating. And sometimes, it’s a symptom of a condition we should look into at Riverdale Vision Care.
10 Tips for Eye Strain Relief
If you are already struggling with eye strain, or you know you will be participating in activities that cause eye strain, there are some tricks you can use to avoid it or lessen its impact on your day. Some of these include:
- Reduce your screen time. Get out and “touch grass” more often and leave mobile devices and TV off for a while.
- Use the 20-20-20 rule. Whether you’re driving, working with screens, reading or doing close-up work, take an eye break every 20 minutes, focusing your eyes on something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
- Take care of your eyes as your eye doctor in Riverdale recommends, whether that means wearing your glasses or contacts correctly, using moisturizing eye drops, etc.
- Use a humidifier in the room where you do your eye strain-causing activity.
- If you still smoke, stop.
- Get regular exercise.
- Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and eat eye-healthy foods like eggs, carrots, almonds, fish with a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, and colorful fruits and vegetables.
- When you must use screens for work or school, use a glare filter and clean your screen regularly to maintain proper contrast. Enlarge the print on your screen and adjust the brightness as well.
- Work in a well-lighted space, preferably with as much natural light as possible.
- Make a point of blinking more often as this will help your tears moisturize your eyes more frequently.
See the Eye Doctors Riverdale, NJ Trusts if Your Eye Strain Won’t Leave
Usually, following these tips will relieve your eye strain. If they don’t, there is a possibility that an underlying, undiagnosed condition exists. In this case, the eye strain may be a symptom of something more serious. So, if you’ve done all you can to relieve your eye strain and it remains unchanged or gets worse, schedule an appointment with our eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ. Here at Riverdale Vision Care, we can diagnose and treat eye conditions and help you get the eye strain relief you need to keep going.