Signs that Your Child Needs Glasses

If your little one is like a lot of other children, they may not be great at communicating when they have a problem. In fact, when it comes to vision, many small children have no way of knowing they have vision trouble. As a parent, it’s up to you to recognize when your child has vision trouble, and it’s up to you to get them to the eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ.

Signs that Your Child Needs Glasses

If your child needs glasses, you may notice some or all of these behaviors:

  • Inability to focus on reading or school work. Your child may find it too taxing to read for long periods of time. It may also be difficult to continually look up at the board and then down at their school work. The result could be an inability to concentrate in the classroom and on homework.
  • Squinting. Squinting can bend the lens of the eyes, which can help bring objects into focus. This is why your child might squint their eyes if they have poor vision.
  • Eye rubbing. Eye rubbing is a sign of vision fatigue, which can be the result of any number of problems.
  • Covering one eye. If your child covers one eye to see properly, this could mean that your child’s eyes are misaligned. Covering one eye eliminates double vision from the misaligned eye, to prevent a confusing overlap of images.
  • Headaches. Children can get headaches from eye strain. If your child is getting headaches at the end of the day or after trying to read, this is a sign of vision trouble.
  • Sitting close to the television or front of the room. It’s only natural that your child would choose to sit close to the television or the front of the room if they can’t see well. Watch your child to have a preference for sitting close to objects.

What to Do If Your Child Needs Glasses

If you believe your child needs eyeglasses, your first step is to bring them in for an eye appointment in Riverdale, NJ. Our pediatric eye exams can determine whether your child needs corrective lenses and can help catch eye diseases in their early stages. Call Riverdale Vision Care today to make an appointment.

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