3 Ways to Improve Your Night Vision

Very few people in the world won’t struggle with night vision at some point in their lives. As you age, your eyes naturally find it more difficult to make out objects in the dark. However, while you may not be able to stop the aging process entirely, there are things that you can do to improve your ability to see when the sun goes down.

Add More Vitamins to Your Diet

Specifically, you should focus on getting more vitamin A through carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark, leafy greens. Vitamin A is a building block of rhodopsin, also known as the protein that helps you see at night. While your body does produce the protein on its own, it relies on vitamin A in your diet as the initial building block. (If you’re going to switch up your diet, you might also consider cutting back on smoking too.)

Wear the Right Eyewear

You might think that night vision in Riverdale, NJ is relatively straightforward to treat, but the truth is that there are endless options available. When all of them claim to do the same thing, it’s not always easy to know which is right for you. In addition to protecting your eyes from the sun with sunglasses, you should always wear your corrective lenses as your doctor recommends. You can also consider coated lenses or night driving glasses, which may be enough of a bridge to keep you safe on the road.

Talk to an Optometrist in Riverdale

From cataract surgery to anti-glare technology, the optical industry has plenty of solutions that can restore your ability to see in the dark. However, not everyone will be eligible for the same treatments, which is why it’s so important to talk to an eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ, if you’re concerned about this common issue. If you make a mistake, particularly if you’re overestimating the improvements, you can easily put yourself or your loved ones in danger.

At Riverdale Vision Care, we monitor your vision over time, ensuring you know how it’s changing and when it’s time to make a change. Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive eye exam if you’re concerned.

Vision Changes That Can Happen During Pregnancy

Your body can go through a variety of changes when you’re pregnant. While many people anticipate changes in appetite, emotional changes, and changes in energy levels, many don’t anticipate what pregnancy can do to their vision. Your eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ, can help you navigate these changes and make smart decisions to care for your eyes and body.

If you’re recently pregnant and noticing changes in how you see the world around you, here’s what you need to know.

Blurry Vision

Many people retain fluids while pregnant. This fluid retention can change the shape of the eyes, leading to blurry vision. These changes will likely go away after birth or when you finish breastfeeding. Talk to your eye doctor to ensure that your blurry vision is within the normal range. Your eye doctor can also help you troubleshoot these problems, although you will unlikely need new glasses during this time.

Dry Eyes

Dry eyes can happen because of hormone changes. For many patients, using artificial tears can help alleviate the symptoms of dry eyes. If your eyes have been red, itchy, or even watery, these are all dry eye symptoms. Artificial tears are available over the counter in pharmacies. Talk to your eye doctor about your symptoms.

Halos, Light Sensitivity, Auras, Flashing Lights

Preeclampsia is a dangerous condition that can affect a small number of pregnant women. Preeclampsia happens when a pregnant woman experiences a sudden spike in blood pressure.

Some of the symptoms of preeclampsia are visual changes like the appearance of halos, light sensitivity, auras, blurry vision, and flashing lights. Preeclampsia is an emergency that needs immediate help. If you notice these changes, talk to your physician immediately or go to the emergency room.

Are you troubled by your blurry vision or dry eyes due to pregnancy? It may be time for an eye exam in Riverdale, NJ. Talk to your eye doctor at Riverdale Vision Care. Contact us today to make an appointment and learn more about how we can help you manage the vision changes that you might be experiencing due to your pregnancy.

The Invisible Threat: Dust Mites and Eye Irritation

Many people are alarmed to hear that they have an overabundance of dust mites in their lashes or around their eyelids during a comprehensive eye exam in Riverdale, NJ. However, these harmless organisms are normal and usually do not cause issues—almost everyone has them! Nevertheless, getting more familiar with these microscopic organisms and how they can affect your visual health is a good idea.

Eyes Itching? Could Dust Mites Be the Culprit?

Dust mites (Demodex) are microscopic insects found in household dust, and they can inadvertently contribute to eye irritation. Normally, a few of the insects can be found on the lases and even in your eyebrows. However, when there is abundance or overpopulation, this can be to blame for issues with eye itching. Repetitive touching and scratching can sometimes lead to higher risks of infections.

Exploring the Link Between Dust Mites and Red, Watery Eyes

So, why do dust mites irritate your eyes? When airborne, their tiny fecal particles and shed skin fragments can come in contact with eyes, and this can cause an allergic reaction. But these small bugs can also live on the lashes, which can also cause your eyes to feel itchy and irritated.

Tips for Minimizing Dust Mite-Related Eye Discomfort

If you suspect that issues with Demodex are causing irritated eyes, be sure to talk to the eye doctor about solutions. Medicated wipes can be used to reduce the population and hopefully deter symptoms. You can also make some adjustments to your environment and routine to keep the population minimized, such as:

  • Changing bedding frequently
  • Laundering pillows regularly
  • Washing your eyes a few times a day
  • Discarding old makeup and makeup applicators that you use on your eyes
  • Vacuuming and using air filters to reduce dust in your household

Talk to a Riverdale Optometrist for Advice

As alarming as dust mites may sound, they are not an issue that should cause significant concern. However, if you have symptoms of excessive issues, be sure to talk to a Riverdale eye doctor for advice. Reach out to the team at Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

I’ve Got Cataracts. Can I Still Drive?  

Many people, especially older adults, suffer from cataracts. Cataracts start out by causing minimal interference with your vision, but eventually cataracts can cause serious vision problems or even blindness. If you think you might be suffering from cataracts, work with your eye doctor in Riverdale NJ to get a diagnosis and treatment.

What Are Cataracts?

A cataract is a fogging of the lens of the eye. In the earliest stages, a person with cataracts may not even know they have cataracts. Seeing your eye doctor can help you catch this problem when it’s in the earliest stages. Some early signs of cataracts include:

  • Colors look faded or yellowed
  • Vision is cloudy or blurry
  • Lights have a halo around them
  • Sensitivity to glare and bright lights

In the early stages, most people don’t need cataract treatment, although some people require a special eyeglasses prescription to clarify their vision. It’s only after cataracts start negatively impacting quality of life that eye doctors start to think about treating cataracts with stronger measures.

Can I Still Drive If I Have Cataracts?

You can still drive with cataracts if your eye doctor says that it’s safe. Before your eye doctor gives you the permission to drive, they must assess your visual acuity and, if you need a new glasses prescription, they must ensure that you have the proper prescription to see.while driving. When you have cataracts, it’s important to see your eye doctor on a regular basis.

Problems you may experience while driving include:

  • Intense glare from headlights
  • Colors look faded and are difficult to distinguish
  • Objects look blurry
  • Low vision at night
  • Double vision

Can I Get Treatment for My Cataracts?

There is treatment for cataracts. Your eye doctor can determine when you need cataract surgery in order to drive safely. If you feel like your vision is too poor to drive, talk to your eye doctor for an assessment.

Need Cataract Treatment? Contact Riverdale Vision Care

If cataracts are interfering with your quality of life, cataract treatment in Riverdale NJ can help you see more clearly once again. Contact Riverdale Vision Care to find out more about cataract treatment. Call today to make an appointment.


Working Remotely? Protect Your Vision at Home

Spending more time at home working remotely? If so, you are definitely part of a growing population. As of 2022, there were roughly 4.7 million people who were working remotely at least part of the time in the U.S. As great as it can be to hang out at home and fulfill your workplace duties, the added screen time can be a challenge for your vision. In fact, a lot of remote workers seek dry eye treatment in Riverdale, NJ because of too much screen time. Take a look at some ways you can protect your vision while working from home.

1. Follow the 20-20-20 Rule

After working for 20 minutes using a screen, focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away for around 20 seconds. The 20-20-20 rule gives your eyes a break. When spending a lot of time focused on a task, it is easy to stay glued to a screen right in front of you for so long that it becomes hard on your eyes.

2. Keep Your Lighting Right

The best lighting when you are working at a computer is natural lighting. So be sure to open up your curtains and allow some sunlight to stream into the room. Avoid working for long hours at a screen in the dark.

3. Adjust the Font Size on Your Screen

Pay attention to how your eyes feel as you work. If you recognize that you are squinting or your eyes feel more tired than usual, adjust the font size on your screen. This helps you focus on something larger instead of tiny font, which can be easier on tired eyes.

4. Negate Blue Light Exposure When You Can

A lot of modern computers, laptops, and even phones have a blue screen filter you can use to adjust the lighting being emitted from the screen. Blue light exposure may lead to permanent vision changes, so reduce exposure as much as possible.

Visit a Riverdale, NJ Eye Doctor for an Exam

If your eyes are feeling the strain after working from home, it may be time to visit a Riverdale, NJ eye doctor for an exam. Reach out to us at Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

How to Recover From UV Damage 

Photokeratitis is a temporary but painful eye condition caused by overexposure to UV radiation. UV radiation is emitted by the sun, which is why sunglasses are recommended by youreye doctor in Riverdale, NJ. Your eyes can be overexposed to UV radiation from other sources, too, such as tanning beds and the use of UV lights in the home or garden area.

Symptoms of Photokeratitis

Symptoms of overexposure to UV radiation are impossible to miss. You may not realize that your eyes are being overexposed to UV radiation, but the symptoms will be very apparent shortly afterward. Symptoms include:

  • Painful eyes
  • Scratchy eyes; “sandy” sensation
  • Blurred vision
  • Headache
  • Swelling around the eyes
  • Seeing halos
  • Low vision or partial loss of vision
  • Teary, watery eyes

You may have multiple symptoms, depending upon the severity of the overexposure.

How to Recover From UV Radiation

Although photokeratitis is painful and scary, it is usually temporary. You can expect symptoms to abate from between six and 24 hours later. By 48 hours, all symptoms should have disappeared. To aid in recovery and help with the discomfort, do the following:

  • Take an over-the-counter medication such as aspirin or ibuprofen for any associated pain and/or swelling
  • Remove any contact lenses. Do not wear eyeglasses
  • Lie down and keep your eyes closed
  • Place a cool, moist cloth over the closed eyes
  • Do not resume normal activities like driving, cooking, etc.
  • Do not use electronic devices
  • Do not watch TV

Preventing Photokeratitis in the Future

You can prevent this from reoccurring by practicing simple lifestyle habits. Wear sunglasses outdoors or invest in transition prescription eyeglasses. Get regulareye exams in Riverdale, NJ to help keep eyes healthy. Avoid the use of UV “grow lights” and antibacterial lights.

Dangers of UV Radiation

Photokeratitis is temporary, but you can suffer long-term effects from chronic overexposure to UV radiation. Consider how your eyes were overexposed and alter the behavior that got you there. Over time, UV radiation can lead to macular degeneration or permanent vision reduction.

If you have any special concerns or questions about photokeratitis or other eye conditions, or to book an appointment, please feel free to contact us today.

Happy 2022! Is It Time for Your Annual Eye Appointment?

2022 is here! It’s time to make an eye appointment! There are many reasons why you should see an eye doctor in Riverdale NJ once per year. Knowing those reasons can help you take care of your eyes and prioritize your eye appointments! Here’s what you need to know about making your eye appointment for 2022.

Why You Should See the Eye Doctor Annually

There are many reasons why you should see the eye doctor annually! Whether you have glasses or not, you should be making appointments with your eye doctor once annually. Here’s why:

  • Your eyeglasses prescription may change. If you have prescription glasses, that prescription may change over time. As the prescription changes, you may need more powerful lenses to continue to function in school or out in the world.
  • If didn’t need eyeglasses before, you may need them now. Just because you didn’t need eyeglasses in the past doesn’t mean that you won’t ever need them. Your eyes will change with time. The only way that you can ensure that you’ve got the right tools for maintaining good vision is to see the eye doctor regularly.
  • Your eye doctor will check for eye diseases. Some eye diseases have no symptoms until vision loss occurs. The only way to detect these eye diseases is to see the eye doctor, who will be able to run tests to find out if you have one of these conditions.

Make Your Appointment a Routine

Lots of people forget to see the eye doctor because they forget when it’s time to make an appointment. If you start making your eye appointments in Riverdale NJ at the same time every year, you’re less likely to forget to make your appointment. Choose the same month to see the eye doctor, then make your first appointment.

What You Can Do to Take Care of Your Eyes in 2022

Wondering what else you can do to take care of your eyes in 2022? Wear sunglasses. Know the symptoms of an eye problem. And see your eye doctor at least once annually. Call today to make your appointment.

Eye Glasses or Contact Lenses? What to Consider When Trying to Decide

Eyeglasses and contact lenses can both improve your vision, whether you’re far-sighted or near-sighted. However, there are many differences between glasses and contact lenses in Riverdale NJ. Knowing the differences between these two options can help you decide which one is right for you.

What to Know About Contact Lenses

Not everyone is a good candidate for contact lenses, so before you can order contacts, you’ll have to work with your eye doctor in Riverdale to find out whether you’re a good candidate for contacts.

Contact lenses need to be properly cleaned, maintained and removed on a regular basis. Patients who are too young are not able to handle the care regimen for contact lenses. Most patients aren’t eligible to have contacts until their teen years, and not every teenager is ready to take care of contacts.

Some eye conditions, like dry eyes, make use of contact lenses problematic. To find out if you’re a good candidate for contact lenses, speak to your eye doctor. Your eye doctor will evaluate your eye health and talk to you about what must be done to maintain contact lenses. Together, you two can determine whether contacts are right for you.

What to Know About Eye Glasses

Eye glasses sit on the bridge of your nose and are visible to everyone who sees you. Because they’re so visible, some people don’t want eye glasses. Others prefer glasses because they like the way glasses look, they’re easy to take on and off and harder to lose than contact lenses.

Which One Is Right For You?

If you’re not sure whether eye glasses or contacts are right for you, make an appointment with your eye doctor. To determine which product is best for you, follow these tips:

  • Have a discussion with your eye doctor about what is involved in each type of vision correction tool.
  • Try on glasses to see how you like them.
  • Find out whether you’re even eligible for contact lenses (if contact lenses appeals to you).

Finally, remember that some people who need vision correction have both contacts and glasses. They might wear glasses at night before bed, and contacts during the day. Your eye doctor can help you decide what is the right choice for you.

To find out more, make an appointment at Riverdale Vision Care.

Can Eyes Heal From Sun Damage?

Sun damage usually occurs to the skin. However, many people don’t realize that sun damage can also happen to eyes. Sometimes eye damage from UV light is called sunburn, but officially, this is called photokeratitis.

What is Photokeratitis?

Photokeratitis, sometimes called ultraviolet keratitis, presents as inflammation in the cornea. The cornea is the transparent covering over the exterior of the eye.

What Are The Symptoms of Photokeratitis?

The symptoms of photokeratitis are very obvious and uncomfortable. They include:

  • Feeling like you have sand on the insides of your eyelids
  • Inability to see at all
  • Blurry vision
  • Headache
  • Swollen eyelids and/or undereye swelling
  • Feeling of pain or pressure within the eyeball
  • Ultra-sensitivity to light
  • Heavy tearing
  • Seeing halos around objects

If you have any of these symptoms, contact your Riverdale eye doctor immediately.

Causes of Photokeratitis

Your eyes are extremely sensitive to the environment. This is why if you even have a small eyelash in your eye, it can feel like a tree branch is stuck in there. The symptoms of photokeratitis are much more painful than an eyelash, as you can see from the list above. But what causes photokeratitis to begin with?

Essentially, Photokeratitis is caused by overexposure to UV light. The most common source of UV light is, of course, the sun. But there are other sources to be aware of. Your eyes can be exposed to UV light from UV light bulbs, full-spectrum bulbs, tanning beds, and more.

Furthermore, certain conditions can exacerbate the dangers of sun damage to the eyes. This can happen when you are on a boat, at the pool, or near any reflective body of water. It can happen while skiing, since the snow reflects sunlight. It can even happen on lightly colored sidewalks and roadways in towns and cities.

How to Avoid Sun Damage to the Eyes

The best way to avoid sun damage to the eyes is to wear UV-rated sunglasses while outside on sunny days. Also, avoid using tanning beds, or at a minimum, close eyes and wear protective goggles during sessions. If you use full-spectrum bulbs while doing hobbies like painting or sewing, wear UV-rated eyewear.

Your eye doctor in Riverdale can help you with tips to avoid sun damage. Contact us today for more information.


Can I Buy New Eyeglasses During the Pandemic?

With the new COVID-19 restrictions on business practices, you may wonder if it’s possible to buy new eyeglasses during the pandemic. If you’re a person with poor vision, you know how essential new eyeglasses are for daily life. When your old eyeglasses have been lost or broken, will you be able to buy new ones during this pandemic? The short answer is yes, but there are some important things you’ll need to know. Buying new eyeglasses right now will be a different experience than it was before COVID-19. Here’s what to expect.

Obtain Your Prescription From Your Eye Doctor

Be sure to obtain your latest prescription from your Riverdale Vision Care eye doctor. You can ask to have your prescription emailed or faxed to you so that you don’t need to have personal contact with the office. Alternatively, you can have your prescription faxed or emailed directly to your eyeglass store if you’ve already chosen a new pair of frames.

Wear Your Mask

Whether or not your state currently has mandatory mask requirements, chances are that the frames shop will require masks. Bring a mask that you feel comfortable in because you’ll need to keep it on while you try on frames.

Expect a Temperature Check

Many frames stores check visitors’ temperatures at the door using a forehead, contactless thermometer. Don’t be personally offended. This is for the added safety of other customers and staff members.

Prepare to Wear Gloves

It’s possible that the frames store will also require customers to wear gloves while shopping for frames. If you have a latex allergy, be prepared by bringing your own vinyl or cloth gloves, just in case.

Place Frames in Bins

Many frame stores have implemented a protocol for disinfecting frames after they have been tried on by customers. You may be presented with a small plastic basket for frames that you’ve tried. Instead of putting the frames back on the display wall, you’ll put them in the basket so the staff can disinfect them.

Once you find a pair of frames that you like, a staff member will fit the frames to your face as usual. However, they will be wearing a mask as well. Don’t put off getting needed eyeglasses during the pandemic. Although the process is different, you can still anticipate getting the prescriptive eyewear you need.