Glossary of the Anatomy of the Eye

When your eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ discusses your eye health with you, are you sometimes confused about the terminology used? Most people are aware of the more simple terms relative to the anatomy of the eye, but the meanings still may not be perfectly clear. Since clear communication is essential between eye professional and patient in order to facilitate understanding and health, here is a basic glossary of the anatomy of the eye. Some of the meanings may be different than what you had always thought!


The cornea is the clear, dome-shaped outer layer that covers the front of the eye.


This is the small black opening right in the middle of your iris. It gets bigger and smaller according to how much light there is, and in relation to other stimuli.


The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil. It controls the size of the pupil through its ring of muscles, determining how much light reaches the retina.


Located behind the iris, the lens is a clear, flexible structure that adjusts its shape to focus light onto the retina.


The retina is a thin layer of light-sensitive cells lining at the back of the eye. It’s one of the things the eye doctor inspects when they shine a light into your eyes.


At the back of the inside of the eye, the macula is a small, central part of the retina. Optic Nerve

The optic nerve is what connects your eye to your brain.


The sclera is the white part of the eye that you can see.

Vitreous Humor

This is the clear, gel-like substance that takes up the space between the lens and the retina, maintaining the eye’s shape and allowing light to pass through to the retina.


If you’ve ever visited your optometrist in Riverdale, NJ about pink eye, you’ve probably heard this word. This is where the trouble lies with conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva is a thin, transparent membrane covering the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.

Ways to Relieve Eye Strain

We live in an age of eye strain. Our Riverdale eye doctors see it all the time. As a society, we spend long hours staring at screens for work and play. If it’s not screen time, it’s reading, driving, detail work, or undiagnosed eye conditions that cause tired, burning, dry, or watery eyes that can’t focus. Although eye strain isn’t usually a serious condition, it can make your day harder with headaches and difficulty concentrating. And sometimes, it’s a symptom of a condition we should look into at Riverdale Vision Care.

10 Tips for Eye Strain Relief

If you are already struggling with eye strain, or you know you will be participating in activities that cause eye strain, there are some tricks you can use to avoid it or lessen its impact on your day. Some of these include:

  1. Reduce your screen time. Get out and “touch grass” more often and leave mobile devices and TV off for a while.
  2. Use the 20-20-20 rule. Whether you’re driving, working with screens, reading or doing close-up work, take an eye break every 20 minutes, focusing your eyes on something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.
  3. Take care of your eyes as your eye doctor in Riverdale recommends, whether that means wearing your glasses or contacts correctly, using moisturizing eye drops, etc.
  4. Use a humidifier in the room where you do your eye strain-causing activity.
  5. If you still smoke, stop.
  6. Get regular exercise.
  7. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and eat eye-healthy foods like eggs, carrots, almonds, fish with a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, leafy greens, and colorful fruits and vegetables.
  8. When you must use screens for work or school, use a glare filter and clean your screen regularly to maintain proper contrast. Enlarge the print on your screen and adjust the brightness as well.
  9. Work in a well-lighted space, preferably with as much natural light as possible.
  10. Make a point of blinking more often as this will help your tears moisturize your eyes more frequently.

See the Eye Doctors Riverdale, NJ Trusts if Your Eye Strain Won’t Leave

Usually, following these tips will relieve your eye strain. If they don’t, there is a possibility that an underlying, undiagnosed condition exists. In this case, the eye strain may be a symptom of something more serious. So, if you’ve done all you can to relieve your eye strain and it remains unchanged or gets worse, schedule an appointment with our eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ. Here at Riverdale Vision Care, we can diagnose and treat eye conditions and help you get the eye strain relief you need to keep going.

Is Your Child Nearsighted? Ask Us About Myopia Management

Myopia in Riverdale NJ refers to the inability to see objects at a distance clearly. Approximately 40 percent of children develop myopia, also known as nearsightedness, by age 17. When someone is nearsighted, it means that the eyes grow too long in axial length. Some people also have a curved cornea or lens of the eye that bends too much compared to the length of the eyeballs.

Myopia ranges from mild to severe, and those on the milder end of the spectrum may not need any vision correction until the condition becomes more advanced. However, Riverdale Vision Care recommends treating any degree of vision problem as quickly as possible. This is the best way to ensure that your child can keep up with schoolwork without vision problems holding them back

Myopia Causes and Symptoms

Children typically acquire myopia through a gene passed along by one or both parents. Signs of the common eye condition usually appear in early childhood and peak around age 20. Other causes of myopia include:

  • Diabetes, whether a doctor has officially diagnosed it or not
  • Focusing difficulty that results in problems with night vision
  • Frequent visual stress, such as staring at screens all day

Some children develop what we refer to as pseudo myopia, which means that they develop blurry distance vision after completing a lot of up-close work. Their vision returns to normal once they return to a more typical workload.

Please schedule an eye exam for your child right away if you notice any of these symptoms:

  • Holding a book right in front of their face when reading
  • Sitting too close to the television
  • Squinting when reading or using the computer
  • They complain of blurry distance vision

We will discuss several treatment options with you and your child should we discover myopia in Riverdale NJ.

Myopia Treatment Options

Special contact lenses that train the eyes to see objects at a distance clearly are one option to consider. Another is atropine eye drops, which typically slow the progression of myopia by at least 50 percent over two years. We are happy to discuss these and other myopia treatment options in more detail at your child’s next eye exam.

Picking the Best Eye Makeup for Sensitive Eyes

Do you struggle with sensitivity when it comes to your eyes? If so, you may deal with everything from dry eyes to blurred vision when wearing the wrong kind of makeup. The first step when dealing with unusual eye sensitivity or dry eyes is to find an optometrist for a comprehensive eye exam in Riverdale, NJ. However, in the meantime, it can also be helpful to find the best eye makeup types to keep your eyes from feeling irritated. Take a look at the tips below.

Avoid Waterproof Mascara and Eyeliner 

Waterproof mascaras and eyeliners often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate sensitive eyes. Additionally, these products require strong makeup removers, which can further aggravate eye sensitivity. Opt for water-based or smudge-proof formulas instead, as they are gentler on the eyes and easier to remove without causing irritation.

Stick with Matte Eyeshadow Made from Organic Ingredients

Matte eyeshadows made from organic ingredients are ideal for sensitive eyes. They contain fewer synthetic or metallic additives, which can be important for reducing the risk of irritation. Look for products labeled as hypoallergenic as well, as this is a good indication that the product does not contain compounds that your eyes may be sensitive to in the ingredient lineup.

Steer Clear of Concealer and Setting Sprays with Fragrances Added 

Concealers and setting sprays often contain added fragrances, which can be irritating to sensitive eyes. While you may try to avoid getting these products in your eyes, they can seep into the eyes with tear production throughout the day. Additionally, fragrance particles can be airborne, which means they may make their way into your eyes after application. Opt for fragrance-free formulas to minimize the risk of discomfort or allergic reactions. Additionally, choose products specifically stating they are ophthalmologist-tested to ensure they are safe for use around the eyes.

Discuss the Best Eye Makeup Options with a Riverdale Optometrist 

If you are struggling with eye sensitivity, be sure to seek out the professional advice of aRiverdale optometrist. While the makeup or products you are using may be part of the problem, there could be other problems that need to be addressed. Reach out to the office of Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

Light Sensitivity Demystified: Unveiling Myths and Facts About Photophobia

Maybe you constantly struggle when out in the sun. Perhaps you deal with everything from blurred vision to burning eyes when in bright light. This sounds like you may have issues with photosensitivity, also known as light sensitivity, and, in extreme cases, photophobia. While getting a comprehensive eye exam in Riverdale, NJ, is a good first step, here is a closer look at photophobia.

Dispelling Common Misconceptions About Light Sensitivity

Light sensitivity is a highly misunderstood optical health issue, but it is extremely common, affecting up to 20 percent of the general population. This excessive sensitivity to light is often misperceived as something to do with only another medical condition, which is not always the case. Light sensitivity can be related to:

  • Certain medications
  • Unique ways the eyes detect light
  • Dry eyes
  • Cataracts
  • Prior LASIK surgery
  • Lighter eye colors due to less pigment-derived protection from UV rays

Understanding the Science Behind Photophobia

Photophobia occurs when the eyes become overly sensitive to light stimuli. Within the eye, however, the issue is more complex than it sounds. Photophobia can result from various mechanisms, including an imbalance in neurotransmitters regulating light perception, increased pupil constriction in response to light exposure, or heightened retina sensitivity to light. When exposed to normal light levels, these factors can lead to discomfort and pain, making it challenging for individuals with photophobia to tolerate bright environments.

Expert Insights: Practical Advice for Living with Light Sensitivity

Living with light sensitivity can be challenging, but there are practical strategies to manage this condition effectively. Here are some expert insights to help you navigate life with light sensitivity:

  • Invest in quality sunglasses with UV protection.
  • Use tinted lenses or photochromic glasses to reduce glare.
  • Opt for soft, diffused lighting and control natural light levels.
  • Take regular breaks from electronic devices and use blue light filters.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Practice stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing or meditation.
  • Consult with an eye care professional for personalized treatment options.

Discuss Light Sensitivity with an Experienced Riverdale Optometrist 

If you have light sensitivity, it is always a good idea to visit an optometrist in Riverdale, NJ, for a thorough evaluation. Contact the team at Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

The Invisible Threat: Dust Mites and Eye Irritation

Many people are alarmed to hear that they have an overabundance of dust mites in their lashes or around their eyelids during a comprehensive eye exam in Riverdale, NJ. However, these harmless organisms are normal and usually do not cause issues—almost everyone has them! Nevertheless, getting more familiar with these microscopic organisms and how they can affect your visual health is a good idea.

Eyes Itching? Could Dust Mites Be the Culprit?

Dust mites (Demodex) are microscopic insects found in household dust, and they can inadvertently contribute to eye irritation. Normally, a few of the insects can be found on the lases and even in your eyebrows. However, when there is abundance or overpopulation, this can be to blame for issues with eye itching. Repetitive touching and scratching can sometimes lead to higher risks of infections.

Exploring the Link Between Dust Mites and Red, Watery Eyes

So, why do dust mites irritate your eyes? When airborne, their tiny fecal particles and shed skin fragments can come in contact with eyes, and this can cause an allergic reaction. But these small bugs can also live on the lashes, which can also cause your eyes to feel itchy and irritated.

Tips for Minimizing Dust Mite-Related Eye Discomfort

If you suspect that issues with Demodex are causing irritated eyes, be sure to talk to the eye doctor about solutions. Medicated wipes can be used to reduce the population and hopefully deter symptoms. You can also make some adjustments to your environment and routine to keep the population minimized, such as:

  • Changing bedding frequently
  • Laundering pillows regularly
  • Washing your eyes a few times a day
  • Discarding old makeup and makeup applicators that you use on your eyes
  • Vacuuming and using air filters to reduce dust in your household

Talk to a Riverdale Optometrist for Advice

As alarming as dust mites may sound, they are not an issue that should cause significant concern. However, if you have symptoms of excessive issues, be sure to talk to a Riverdale eye doctor for advice. Reach out to the team at Riverdale Vision Care to schedule an appointment.

Why Are My Eyes Itchy?

Itchy eyes are common, but it’s not always obvious why they’re so itchy. If you’re used to feeling the sting, and you can’t always connect the dots as to why, we’ll look at the main culprits and what you might be able to do to help.

Common Causes for Itchy Eyes

If your eyes are feeling itchy, it may be because:

  • They’re too dry. When your eyes can’t make natural tears, they can start to feel itchy. Even if your eyes can produce tears, they need oil in order to really moisturize your eyes. If the gland is blocked for any reason, even tears might not be able to save the day. Dry eye in Riverdale, NJ, is a condition that isn’t always easily solved by over-the-counter eyedrops. You may need professional care if your eyes are too dry.
  • You’re feeling the full brunt of allergies. You probably aren’t shocked to feel itchy eyes during the pollen season. The less obvious connection is usually allergies to dust mites, which can be more prevalent than people realize — even if you tend to clean on a daily basis.
  • You have an infection: Infections like pink eye or blepharitis can irritate your eyes and cause them to itch.
  • You’ve outworn your contact lenses. Not everyone’s eyes can handle contact lenses for long periods of time. It’s important to give your eyes a break from time to time.

As you can see from the list, the range of reasons can be very different. For some people, the answer might be as simple as stepping away from a computer screen. For others, it might be a more involved investigation into which allergen is causing the problem.

Why Talk to an Eye Doctor in Riverdale About Your Itchy Eyes

An eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ will do more than just diagnose you, they can get you the treatments you need. In addition, they can typically make recommendations that can prevent the problem from happening again. For instance, if you have dry eyes, you may need to use gentle heat on your eyelids to unclog your glands. If you’re ready to talk to a professional about your itchy eyes, contact the staff at Riverdale Vision Care today!

What do Flashers Mean in Vision?

When your eye doctor in Riverdale, NJ, asks if you have ever experienced flashers, they are referring to a particular visual phenomenon. Flashers are so called because they often appear like flashes of light, much like the lights that come off of Independence Day sparklers. In fact, flashers are sometimes called sparkles. They may appear in the middle of the field of vision, but most commonly, they appear just off to the side, in peripheral vision.

Common Causes of Flashers

Flashers should always be reported to your eye doctor, as they can be a sign of a serious underlying disorder, though there are times when they may be harmless.


Diabetics are more prone to a disease known as diabetic retinopathy. One of the symptoms of this condition is experiencing flashes. If you see flashers, you should have a diabetic eye exam in Riverdale, NJ, so treatment can be done.

Retinal Detachment

If you notice a sudden increase in the number of flashes that you see, or you are seeing flashes of light that you didn’t before, it could be a sign of a retinal detachment. An immediate, emergency visit to the eye doctor is needed in such a situation. Otherwise, there is a risk of permanent vision loss.

Side Effect of Medication

Certain prescription medications can cause you to see flashers. Be sure to check with the medications list of side effects, and report the phenomenon to your physician so that an alternative medication can be prescribed, if necessary. The problem is that flashers can cause issues if they occur while driving or operation other machinery.

Light Sensitivity

As a person ages, they may become more sensitive to bright lights. Sometimes a change in lighting can cause flashers. In a case like this, the phenomenon can usually be attributed to the natural process of aging.


People who suffer from migraines may experience flashers during migraine episodes. The flashers usually disappear as the migraine subsides.

It’s important to let your eye doctor know any time you start to experience flashers or any other kind of unusual chance in your eyesight. Many serious conditions can be prevented or helped with early treatment. Contact us to book your appointment today.

What’s a Virtual Visual Field?

Eye diagnostics have changed over the years, thanks to everything from emerging research to new technology. A virtual visual field can be used for patients with special needs. For instance, those who have medical conditions that make them unsuitable for standard exams. We’ll look at what a virtual visual field is in Riverdale, NJ, and how it’s used to both determine and monitor diseases.

What Is a Virtual Visual Field?

The term refers to the visual capabilities of a patient in the virtual world. In the real world, the visual field is used to determine what a person can see if they don’t swivel their eyes back and forth. In the virtual world, an optometrist has a little more leeway. Using head-mounted displays, the staff can essentially replace a patient’s regular field of sight with a virtual environment.

How Virtual Visual Fields Are Used

How the virtual visual field is used will depend on the condition the patient has. In general, though, the optometrist will both prep the equipment and the patient for the procedure. The expectations for the patient are minimal, though, and merely require people to be sitting in front of the device. The head-mounted displays are easy to wear and won’t need to be on for very long.

The patient will be told what they need to do to help the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. There are different testing protocols for your visual fields, but these tests often start with identifying a central point and then responding to a variety of other stimuli in their visual field. From there, the doctor will map out the field, analyze the data, and interpret the results.

Finding an Eye Doctor in Riverdale

The right optometrist in Riverdale, NJ will invest in advanced diagnostic equipment. Not because they want to impress their patients with gadgets, but because they’ve seen just how much these devices can help patients maintain their eyesight over the years. At Riverdale Vision Care, you’ll meet a staff that has gone the extra mile for their patients and purchased the tools they need to provide more accurate treatments. Contact us today to learn more about how a virtual vision field could work for you.

Can I Get Blue Light Protection In My Prescription Eyeglasses?

Extended exposure to screens, such as computers, smartphones, and tablets, exposes your eyes to blue light, a high-energy visible (HEV) light. This prolonged exposure can lead to eyestrain, headaches, and disturbed sleep patterns. Consequently, many individuals wonder if they can incorporate blue light protection into their prescription eyeglasses instead of having to get a completely different pair of blue light glasses.

Integrating Blue Light Protection into Prescription Eyewear

Fortunately, it is possible to incorporate blue light protection into prescription eyeglasses. Numerous eyeglass manufacturers now offer lenses specifically designed to block blue light. These lenses feature a unique coating that filters out blue light while permitting other types of light to pass through. Mention this request during your eye exam in Riverdale, NJ.

Choosing Between Clear and Yellow-Tinted Lenses

There are two primary types of blue light-blocking lenses: clear and yellow-tinted. Clear lenses provide an excellent option for those who wish to block blue light without altering their vision’s color. However, some individuals find yellow-tinted lenses to be more effective in reducing eyestrain and enhancing visual comfort.

Consulting with Your Optometrist or Optician

To explore blue light protection options for your prescription eyeglasses, consult with your optometrist or optician in Riverdale, NJ. They can help you select the appropriate type of blue light-blocking lenses based on your unique needs and preferences. They may also recommend other methods to minimize blue light exposure, such as adjusting your electronic devices’ settings or utilizing a blue light filter on your computer screen.

Additional Benefits of Blue Light-Blocking Lenses

Apart from reducing eyestrain and enhancing visual comfort, blue light-blocking lenses may offer other advantages. Some research indicates that they can improve sleep quality by decreasing blue light exposure at night. This is particularly important for individuals who use electronic devices before bedtime, as blue light can disrupt the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle.

If you’re concerned about blue light’s harmful effects on your eyes, rest assured that you can obtain blue light protection in your prescription eyeglasses. Blue light-blocking lenses are an excellent choice for individuals who spend considerable time in front of screens, as they can help alleviate eyestrain, enhance visual comfort, and potentially improve sleep quality. Contact us today to schedule your next eye exam.